Hike pretty much anywhere in Grand Teton National Park and you’re bound to see marmots running all over the place; mostly away from you. I enjoy seeing them every time because watching them run always puts a smile on my face if for no other reason than it’s simply more of a waddle. This particular marmot was seen along the Taggart Lake trail late last fall.
On a personal note, irony has struck in my life once again. If you’ve been following, then you know I had to send my camera back into Canon for repairs and wasn’t able to make the necessary payments to have it fixed up, hence the reason for posting so many photos from my archives. So it’s currently on its way back to me, during which time I was cleaning out my filing cabinet and getting rid of old stuff I don’t need anymore when I came across my five year warranty card for the camera. At least I feel much better now knowing I can send it back in if I want to.