Wanderlove Cover

Wanderlove: Short Stories from the Arizona Trail

Wanderlove follows both my mental and physical journey along the 800-mile thru-hike of the Arizona Trail, “a trail as unforgiving as the plants themselves.”

I set out in March of 2016 to do a complete thru-hike of the Arizona Trail. Along the way, I was confronted with personal, mental, and physical challenges that often prevented me from continuing.

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Sunrise over Sonoran Desert

Thoughts of Home

Sunrise over Sonoran Desert

Chapter 15

There weren’t other people back here. If you’re lucky, you’ll come across another AZT thru-hiker, but I wasn’t lucky. Though I was treated to a remarkably beautiful sunrise, my emotions and my will would be tested on this day.

Not realizing that just yet, I got busy capturing the sunrise, hoping I was close enough to Ripsey Wash so that some of the photos could be used for the area.… Keep reading...