Free Roaming Photography Logo

Why I Rebranded My Photography

As I’m sure you are all aware, I recently changed my photography presence from Mike Cavaroc Photography, to Free Roaming Photography. The excitement I felt as I got the wheels rolling on the conversion in weeks prior had me flying with it, growing more and more anxious to let it loose.… Keep reading...

Sleeping Indian Sunset

Sleeping Indian Sunset

Sleeping Indian Sunset

With snow rapidly melting in Jackson Hole, I was able to catch one last shot of winter up on The Sleeping Indian (aka, Sheep Mountain) above the valley. It was on the night before I was expecting to send back my 7D and just wanted to put it through some more intensive tests before doing so to make sure.… Keep reading...

Introducing Free Roaming Photography

In past months I began thinking bigger. Not just thinking bigger, but also dreaming bigger. I began to imagine my photography in its own gallery and in doing so I took a close look at a couple of local photographers that I really admire to learn from them as examples. Both have unique personal names, as well as a business name that defines what you would expect to see in their respective galleries.… Keep reading...

'Scarface' Grizzly Bear of Yellowstone National Park

Scarface Grizzly Bear in the Lamar Valley

'Scarface' Grizzly Bear of Yellowstone National Park

While visiting Yellowstone National Park this past weekend, I wanted to spend an entire day in the Lamar Valley, something I realized I actually hadn’t done before. It payed off because while I was there bright and early, a few hours later a grizzly bear came out and walked along the Lamar River.… Keep reading...

Fall Colors at Oxbow Bend

Where to Photograph in Grand Teton National Park

Planning a trip to Grand Teton National Park? The map below will help you get the most out of your photographic destinations. Read on below!

A Google Map display showing the best places to photograph in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.
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I’ve created a map from Google Maps showing the best places to stop and photograph the sites so that you’ll be sure to come away with dramatic photos of the area.… Keep reading...

Pronghorn Eyes Panorama

Pronghorn Eyes Panorama

Pronghorn Eyes Panorama

This was almost thrown away because it was zoomed in way too close and there wasn’t much of a composition I could find with it, until of course the idea of cropping down to a panorama came into mind. All of a sudden, a shot I was ready to completely throw away began to grow on me.… Keep reading...