Both Moose-Wilson and Teton Park Roads have opened up for the summer, however after poking around there for a bit, I found myself wandering back through Antelope Flats. There’s quite a bit of activity there with the elk migrating, and the bison haven’t even gotten up there yet.
I had stopped along the road after seeing a bald eagle on top of a power line pole. It wasn’t my ideal shot so I waited for him to take flight in the hopes that I could get a shot of him flying sans power lines. As I waited, a little lesson I always preach came back into practice: always look around. It was easy in this case since the eagle was doing nothing more than just turning its head every few minutes.
In looking around though, I noticed a scurrying on the ground below. It was too big to be a ground squirrel so my curiosity was instantly piqued. I got out the binoculars and found that I had actually seen only the second badger I’ve ever seen in my life. The first was back in Arizona many years ago before I knew how to get a good shot. I slowly crept my way up through sagebrush so as to not startle it and by the time I got this shot, he noticed me and didn’t like my company so he began moving back farther. I decided to leave him alone after that and began back on my way.
I did actually get shots of the eagle flying during that time, but unfortunately they all had power lines in them.