Clearing Storms on Grand Teton

Best Photos from 2017


Moose and Calf in Blizzard

January was cold. We were in the heart of a historically cold and precipitous winter. The sun by this point had become a legend, forgotten behind the clouds that never seemed to lift from the valley, constantly dropping more and more snow as they had done since late November. Despite the Vitamin D deficiency the area was experiencing, along with the psychological aspects of not seeing direct sunlight for three months, I still made attempts to get out and shoot the remarkably unique landscapes.… Keep reading...

12 Favorite Photos from 2015


Pleiades and Comet Lovejoy

My interest in astrophotography in January of 2015 was beginning to hit a high note. I had gotten many of the technical aspects and understandings of the process down, and shortly thereafter, Comet Lovejoy made a pass right by the Pleiades. I was able to capture the shot exactly as I hoped, and was thrilled with the result.… Keep reading...

Teton Nights Time-Lapse Video

In our ongoing effort to get Dark Sky Certification for both Jackson, Wyoming and Grand Teton National Park, the idea was thrown out to create a short time-lapse video highlighting Grand Teton National Park’s night skies. Here is the result: Teton Nights.

Since my return from Utah, I haven’t been able to shoot too many new time-lapses, but I was able to get a pretty good amount of new work to combine with some of my older time-lapses, all of which were shot within Grand Teton National Park’s boundaries.… Keep reading...