12 Favorite Photos from 2015


Pleiades and Comet Lovejoy

My interest in astrophotography in January of 2015 was beginning to hit a high note. I had gotten many of the technical aspects and understandings of the process down, and shortly thereafter, Comet Lovejoy made a pass right by the Pleiades. I was able to capture the shot exactly as I hoped, and was thrilled with the result.… Keep reading...

Orion Firing Comet Lovejoy

While Comet Lovejoy, C/2014 Q2 has already peaked in brightness, Jackson Hole has only just gotten one of the only clear nights of the season so far. I took this opportunity to capture the comet before it leaves our skies.

With the comet higher in the sky, I couldn’t help but notice its position relative to the constellation Orion and how he appeared to be firing the comet out into the night sky from his bow.… Keep reading...