Standing Black Wolf

A Serendipitous Bighorn Basin Getaway

Standing Black Wolf

This past weekend was filled with wonder, disappointment, exuberation, frustration, and amazement. It was a weekend that was cut short, but in the best way possible. All of it made for incredible and fun photography in a weekend escape with my best friend/fiance.

With Memorial Day Weekend crowds descending quickly and aggressively onto Jackson Hole, Wyoming, we decided that we were ready for another mini-road trip.… Keep reading...

12 Favorite Photos from 2015


Pleiades and Comet Lovejoy

My interest in astrophotography in January of 2015 was beginning to hit a high note. I had gotten many of the technical aspects and understandings of the process down, and shortly thereafter, Comet Lovejoy made a pass right by the Pleiades. I was able to capture the shot exactly as I hoped, and was thrilled with the result.… Keep reading...

Should Wyoming’s Bighorn Basin Be a National Park?

Driving along Highway 14/16 between Cody, Wyoming and the Bighorn Mountains for most people can be an excruciating experience. Mile after mile yields very little difference in landscape interest as the full stretch offers only a bland, sparsely populated high desert environment with only a small badlands hill sporadically placed across vast distances.… Keep reading...