Discovering Bandelier National Monument

During my trip to the southwestern United States this past fall, one of my destinations was Chaco Culture National Historic Park, or more commonly known as, Chaco Canyon. Turning off the highway overrun these days with traffic for the oil and gas industry, I began the winding journey down the back roads to Chaco Canyon, only to find 15 miles in that the campground was full.… Keep reading...

Pueblo Bonito Abstract

Silence Your Critics

Pueblo Bonito Abstract

It’s easy to enjoy receiving feedback from others, and in many cases, it provides helpful tips and techniques to help us evolve. There are times, however, where we let other peoples’ opinions dictate how we should be following our passion. Consistently following their advice, no matter what their rank or recognition or how well-meaning they mean to be, can be detrimental to your work.… Keep reading...

Fajada Butte of Chaco Culture National Historic Park

Fajada Butte of Chaco Culture National Historic Park

Fajada Butte of Chaco Culture National Historic Park

Throughout the road trip that I returned from earlier last week, I was telling people that one of the places that left a lasting impression on me was Chaco Culture National Historic Park, aka, Chaco Canyon, and the ruins found therein. The entire complex is quite mesmerizing and is well worth the journey into a completely remote area of northwestern New Mexico.… Keep reading...

Bull Elk in Chaco Culture National Historic Park

A Road Trip Mindset

Bull Elk in Chaco Culture National Historic Park

Sometimes, if you don’t go into a road trip with the right mindset, it can be just as stressful as staying home and working. Friends and I poke fun at people all the time for taking hurried vacations where we witness them arguing with each other and frantically trying to reach point B as quickly as they can, passing by amazing sights and experiences along the way.… Keep reading...