Should Wyoming’s Bighorn Basin Be a National Park?

Driving along Highway 14/16 between Cody, Wyoming and the Bighorn Mountains for most people can be an excruciating experience. Mile after mile yields very little difference in landscape interest as the full stretch offers only a bland, sparsely populated high desert environment with only a small badlands hill sporadically placed across vast distances.… Keep reading...

Bison and Teton Mountains

When to See Wildlife in Grand Teton National Park and Jackson Hole

Bison and Teton Mountains

Below I’ve listed out the best times of the year to see the most requested wildlife in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Grand Teton National Park. I’ve described the reasoning for those times of the year, as well as areas that those particular animals frequently are seen. Keep in mind that nature works on its own schedule, so even though a box might be marked as red (not a good time to see it) you can still see it.… Keep reading...

Pronghorn Eyes Panorama

Pronghorn Eyes Panorama

Pronghorn Eyes Panorama

This was almost thrown away because it was zoomed in way too close and there wasn’t much of a composition I could find with it, until of course the idea of cropping down to a panorama came into mind. All of a sudden, a shot I was ready to completely throw away began to grow on me.… Keep reading...

Pronghorn Running through Field

Herd of Pronghorn Running Near Kelly, Wyoming

A small herd of pronghorn antelope running through an open field on Antelope Flats. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

I found this herd of pronghorn on the same morning as the previous post running just north of Kelly, Wyoming in Grand Teton National Park.  My roommate informed me that it’s pretty rare to see pronghorn around this area this late in the year.… Keep reading...